Diversity in Engineering Center
Find Your Home in Engineering
The Diversity in Engineering Center connects engineering students, faculty, staff, industry and community partners with opportunities for academic success, professional networking and inclusive communities.
Upholding the dignity of every person, our programs are designed to engage historically untapped communities within the School of Engineering. We welcome and invite all members of our campus community to engage with us.
total students impacted university-wide
of engineering students engaged with our programs
opportunities to engage each semester

IESE creates and fosters a home for international students to build intercultural competence as well as interpersonal and leadership skills, helping to shape you into a global engineer.

You are an emerging engineer with rich cultural experiences. Join the MEP, and we’ll help you connect with peers as well as explore your engineering identity.

Student Clubs and Organizations
Our center advises chapters of national professional organizations to build and foster the next wave of engineering professionals.