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Equipment Lending

Our collection of equipment and accessories helps keep you connected and creative. Whether you want to charge your laptop, create a podcast, or make a button, we have a device for you.

Tech Essentials

Stay connected and charged with a variety of USB chargers, adapters and computer accessories like mice and keyboards.

Audio/Video Production Equipment

Get creative with podcasting and vlogging kits, microphones and other equipment to create high-quality media projects for assignments, presentations or personal projects.


Choose from a range of financial, graphing and scientific calculators for studying and assignments.

Digital Cameras and Camcorders
Capture high-quality images and videos with digital cameras, tripods and camcorders.
Entertainment and Media Players

Listen, watch and present with portable CD/DVD players, bluetooth speakers, headphones and projectors.

Board Games
Your turn! Borrow one of our board games and play it in the library.
Button Makers

Make custom buttons with our button makers to promote your cause — or just to express yourself!


University Libraries Office of the Dean

300 College Park Dr.
Dayton, Ohio 45469 - 1360